North Carolina Polygraph Association: Serving the Polygraph Industry in North Carolina

Association News

News, Updates, or Articles relevant to examiners and non-examiners about recent polygraph news collected by the North Carolina Polygraph Association.

Death Notification of Don Carroll

Posted: August 4, 2023

Don Carroll

It is with great sadness we inform you of the passing of Donald "Don" Carroll, age 89, on August 1, 2023. He was an examiner at CMPD for many years and a member of NCPA. Funeral services will be held on Friday, August 4, 2023 at Grace Church. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers. See below for service details. .

Visitation: 1:00 p.m., Funeral Service: 2:00 p.m.
Grace Church
2007 Stallings Rd.
Harrisburg, NC

Donald (Don) James Carroll Obituary 2023 - Hartsell Funeral Homes

Don Carroll’s Career:
After serving his country as a member of the US Air Force and honorably retiring after more than 20 years of service, Don worked as a polygraph examiner for 38 years having graduated from the Zonn Institute of Polygraph in 1980. He subsequently went to work with his brother Bill conducting polygraphs for clients in and around St. Louis, Missouri. In late 1984, he took a job as a polygraph examiner with the A. Madley Corporation, a large private polygraph firm headquartered in Charlotte. In 1985, he and his family relocated to Charlotte and he spent over 2 years working for the A. Madley Corporation. In 1987, he applied for and was awarded a job as an examiner with the Charlotte Police Department which became the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD) in 1993 with the merger of the city and county police departments. Don spent a total of 31 years as a reliable, respected and well liked employee of CMPD, working there from September 30, 1987 to November 2, 2018. Don played a significant role at CMPD by helping management screen applicants to make informed hiring decisions and assisting detectives by assessing a suspect's guilt or innocence utilizing his expertise in polygraph. Don was a former president and board chairman of the North Carolina Polygraph Association and was a member for many years of the American Association of Police Polygraphists, the American Polygraph Association and the South Carolina Association of Polygraph Examiners. In 2017, Don was given an award by the American Association of Police Polygraphists for his outstanding service to the polygraph profession. After retiring from CMPD in 2018, he was awarded the life membership designation by the North Carolina Polygraph Association for his contributions to that organization and his admirable work as a polygraph examiner. He will be missed.


PPSB Private Polygraph Examiners License Exam

Posted: October 7, 2021

Anyone wishing to take the private license exam in 2022 will need to test on either Wednesday March 30, 2022 or Wednesday September 28, 2022. All testing will take place in Raleigh, NC.


August 2021 Newsletter

Posted: August 30, 2021

The August 2021 NCPA Newsletter is now available for download: PDF


Letter from the President Regarding Board Elections

Posted: November 17, 2020

NCPA members,

I hope this note finds you and your family in good health! To say it's been a crazy year is an understatement. As we approach the end of this unpredictable year I wanted to reach out with some information about the upcoming year.

As you are aware, we have been unable to meet in person this year and conduct any training due to COVID-19. This will be true for our December training as well. Moving into what we hope is a new and improved year we are already planning training for Spring 2021. It will be a three to four-day training session to make up for missed training days in 2020. The dates and times are still to be determined. So, look for information soon!

The next item we need to address is missed elections that should have taken place in the Spring of 2020. The board and I have tossed around a few ideas. We would love input from our membership. Just like many other things this year that do not have a plan for a pandemic neither do our by-laws.

As we see it, we have three options:

  1. Let the current elected board members continue to serve until Spring of 2022 when the next scheduled election would be.
  2. Hold elections at our next in person meeting and let the newly elected board serve for 2 years. This would mean moving our election years to odd rather than even years.
  3. Hold elections at the next in person meeting with the newly elected board serving only 1 year to keep the election schedule on even years.

One thing to keep in mind is the Tri-State Training schedule. Georgia was to hold the Tri-State in Tybee Island this year. Of course, that did not happen. They are planning on the same training September 29, 2021 through October 1, 2021 at the same location in Tybee Island. South Carolina is the next year followed by us in 2023. If we hold elections in 2021 and the newly board serves for two years our next election would be in 2023. This would be difficult for a newly elected board to put together the Tri-State in such short order.

We realize there are several of you that have applications in for membership. All applications have been processed and backgrounds completed. At the next training session, we will hold a business meeting and get all pending applicants voted on by the membership which is required by our by-laws.

Finally, thank you to everyone who paid their 2020 dues. Please look for an invoice in January for 2021 dues. As always, we strive to be good stewards of your money. Although there was no training for 2020, we will take the 2020 dues and use them to add additional training when we can in 2021.

Thank you all for your patience as we navigate territory unknown to all of us.

Amanda Nosalek


NCPA training/business meeting/elections

Posted: November 17, 2020

The NCPA was forced to cancel our March 2020 bi-annual two-day training due to the pandemic. As a result the NCPA board is instead arranging to have 4 days of training in December 2020 in Salisbury, NC.

The 2020 NCPA training and business meeting will be held Tuesday December 1st - Friday December 4th in Salisbury, NC. Exact speakers and topics are still being hammered out. They will be posted on this website as soon as they are finalized.

Hotel details are also still being finalized. However, we are trying to arrange a half day of training Tuesday and another half day Friday. Most travelers should be able to leave home Tuesday morning and only need a hotel Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights.

We were supposed to have elections for all board members in March 2020 at the canceled meeting. We will need to have an election at this December member meeting instead. Anyone interested in running for any board position please let any current board member know ASAP. Information about candidate choices will be posted ASAP.


NCPA Spring Polygraph Training Conference and Member Meeting Postponed

Posted: June 11, 2020

The NCPA training scheduled for Thursday and Friday March 19-20, 2020 has been indefinitely postponed.

Several participating agencies have restricted travel for employees that has made the event impossible during these extraordinary times. The board will attempt to reschedule the event ASAP. That information will be posted here as soon as it is available.

Also, remember to cancel your hotel reservation ASAP if you have one.


Tri-State Conference Update from GPA President

Posted: June 11, 2020

I wanted to reach out to our neighboring associations and update your associations on the Tri-State Conference in October at Tybee Island, Georgia. It is my intentions to continue the planning of this event and we fully intend to host the event barring an unforeseen issue such as another national or state emergency order requiring sheltering in place. My intent is to provide as much social distancing as practical and place hand sanitizer throughout the conference room for easy access. I recognize that many government agencies have not allowed employees to register for training due to the pandemic. As of right now, to say that registration is low would be an understatement. I would like to ask if there is a way that each of you might send something out to your respective organizations inquiring as to a tentative number of people that plan to attend.

Our contract with Hotel Tybee requires the rental of 60 rooms. This is the same as it was in 2017 and we had around 100+ rooms rented. I don't believe it will be a problem this year unless agencies cut the budget in the training department; however, the amount of training for the price is really a great deal. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. Regards,

Captain John Sweat
Criminal and Special Investigation Divisions
Phone: (770) 920-4913


NCPA Statement on COVID-19 (Novel-Coronavirus)

Posted: March 24, 2020

The NCPA issues the following statement in regard to testing during this period of social distancing. Please download our statement for more information.


Don Carroll

Posted: March 13, 2020

NCPA life member Don Carroll will be having a serious surgical procedure in the next few days. Please keep Don in your thoughts and prayers.


NCPA Spring Training 2020

Posted: March 13, 2020

The NCPA training and member meeting scheduled for Thursday and Friday March 19-20, 2020 in Salisbury, NC WILL PROCEED as scheduled. Any changes will be posted here as soon as they become available.


Accreditation for Past Course: NCPA December 2019

Posted: January 28, 2020

The following courses, from our December training in Emerald Isle, were recently approved by the NC PPSB for continuing education credit hours.

  • Interview Techniques to Detect Deception PPSB-20-003
  • Lafayette Software Updates PPSB-20-004
  • The Transition from Deceptive Charts into the Interrogation PPSB-20-005

December 2019 Newsletter

Posted: January 6, 2020

Our December 2019 newsletter is now available for download. The Newsletter includes details about our March training. Don't forget all NCPA board positions are up for re-election at this meeting. Be sure to sign up online for this event!


NCPA Tax-Exempt Status Update

Posted: January 6, 2020

The NCPA is now officially a tax-exempt 501c3 corporation registered in North Carolina!


September 2019 Newsletter

Posted: October 3, 2019

Our September 2019 newsletter is now available for download.

The Newsletter includes details about last month's training as well as new information about our upcoming December training. Don't forget attendees at this training will be voting on some important changes to the NCPA bylaws.


Accreditation for Past Courses: Tri-State Polygraph Conference

Posted: September 18, 2019

The following courses from the 2019 Tri-State Polygraph Conference were recently approved by the NC PPSB for continuing education credit hours.

New Perspectives on Testing Sex Offenders
Speaker: Tracy Alvord
Date: 9/11/19
4.0 credit hours
Course #: PPSB-19-035
Information Elicitation
Speaker: Stuart Senter
Date: 9/11/19
3.0 credit hours
Course #: PPSB-19-036
Civil Commitment Testing for High Level Sex Offenders
Speaker: John Odum
Date: 9/12/19
3.0 credit hours
Course #: PPSB-19-037
Ethical Considerations for Polygraphist
Speaker: Joel Montezinos
Date: 9/12/19
3.0 credit hours
Course #: PPSB-19-038
Pharmacology and Chemical Countermeasures
Speaker: Patty Odum, MS
Date: 9/13/19
3.0 credit hours
Course #: PPSB-19-039

Updated Member Minutes from March Meeting

Posted: April 15, 2019

Our minutes for our March meeting are now available


NCPA Member in Need

Posted: April 15, 2019

One of our members, Jonathan Arnold, was diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer called ocular melanoma. This type of cancer has a very high risk to spread to the liver. Jonathan is attempting to raise money to pursue treatments and therapies that are not covered by insurance and needs our help. Any assistance is greatly appreciated! Please help if you can!

Jonathan has set up a go fund me page if you wish to donate and help.


Lifetime NCPA Membership Awards

Posted: April 15, 2019

At our March 2019 meeting the NCPA was proud to award three new lifetime memberships. Lifetime memberships are awarded to members of the NCPA who made significant and outstanding contributions to the NCPA and to the polygraph profession.

  • Don Carroll
  • Ken Andrews
  • Diane Chapin

Thanks Don, Ken, and Diane for everything you have done for the NCPA!


Congratulations, New Members

Posted: April 15, 2019

Eleven new membership applications were approved at the March 2019 meeting. Welcome to:

  • Lacy Pittman (Pittman & Associates Polygraph & Investigative Services)
  • Melissa Dorando (NC SHP)
  • Kelly Stewart (NC SHP)
  • Harold Hoxit (NC SHP)
  • Michael Goldsmith (NC SHP)
  • Brad Porter (NC SHP)
  • Ben Keller (NC SHP)
  • Brandon Long (NC SHP)
  • Jack Reid (NC SHP)
  • Darryl Starks (DARSTAR Services, LLC)
  • Ralph Gurganus (York County SC Sheriff's Office)

NCPA Apparel

Posted: April 15, 2019

NCPA Polo shirts are still available. If you wish to order an NCPA shirt, please send an email to so Cory can have the link opened for this training event. You can have your clothing shipped for a nominal fee or have Cory deliver it to you at an association meeting.


December 2019 NCPA Training Conference

Posted: April 15, 2019

Coastal North Carolina…exact location is still TBD. Attendance is free for all paid, active NCPA members. Keep an eye out here at our website for the latest updated dates, etc.


PPSB codes for recent March 2019 training

Posted: April 15, 2019

PPSB codes were issued prior to the March 2019 training. The codes were printed on the certificates of attendance that were handed out to all attendees. If you dd not receive a certificate and need a duplicate, please contact the NCPA secretary.

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