The President shall appoint special committees as needed to assist the Executive Board in conducting the Association's business. Examples of such special committees are:
Membership Committee
This committee shall review and pass on to the President and the membership, after a thorough character and background investigation, all applicants for membership. All applicants for membership must have completed all aspects of consideration before being submitted to the membership for final consideration.
Grievance Committee
This committee shall investigate grievance for complaints of any type presented in writing to the committee. The Grievance Committee will investigate and report the results of the investigation to the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall take appropriate action and report that action to the membership.
Judiciary Committee
This committee shall collect information on the following:
All pro and anti-polygraph legislation on both state and federal levels,
Past, current, and pending court decisions, and
The uses and admissibility of the polygraph in courts.
Audit Committee
The President may appoint annually an Auditing Committee consisting of three (3) members who do not hold office in the NCPA, for the purpose of auditing the bookkeeping records of the Secretary/Treasurer. Any discrepancies found in the auditing process shall be made known to the Executive Board.
Training Coordinator
The President may appoint a training coordinator. The coordinator may be charged with matters related to instruction at the training seminars, such as the selection of instruction topics and qualified presenters.
Meeting Coordinator
For each NCPA meeting, a board member may appoint a representative of the hosting agency as the "meeting coordinator." The meeting coordinator shall be charged with making the local arrangements for the meeting, including scheduling of dates, meeting rooms, refreshments, visual aids, etc.
Private Protective Services Board Liaison
The President may appoint a NCPA member to serve as a liaison between the Association and the PPSB.
Article V – Meetings
Meetings will be scheduled for the membership on a tri-annual basis.
The annual tri-state seminar will usually be held during the second tri-annual meeting each year.
Special meetings for the membership may be called by the President or upon written demand of ten (10) members when needed.
In any meeting of the membership, a quorum shall consist of not less than thirty percent of the membership in good standing.
Article VI – Dues, Fees, and Assessments
The fiscal period of the Association shall be from January 1st to December 31st.
Dues for the Association for each fiscal year shall be designated by the Executive Board. The amount of dues will be dependant upon the state of the Association's anticipated expenses for the upcoming year. Any changes in annual dues for the upcoming year must be announced at the third tri-annual meeting and is binding upon membership, only after a two-thirds approval by a quorum present at that meeting.
All assessments to the membership shall be binding only after a two-thirds approval by a quorum at a membership meeting.
Membership dues should be paid prior to the first tri-annual meeting each year. Members not submitting dues by July 1 will be sent a second notice. Any member not having paid dues by the end of the calendar year will be considered delinquent and may be dropped from the membership.
A non-refundable $25 application fee will be submitted to the NCPA with each prospective member's completed application.
Funds are to be disbursed only upon the signature of the President or the Secretary/Treasurer.
Article VII – Amendments
The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended at a scheduled meeting of the membership by a favorable vote of three quarters majority of the members present and voting. Amendments to be voted on shall have been sent to every member of the Association at least thirty (30) days prior to being voted on and/or have been presented for the consideration at a prior meeting.
Amendments may be proposed by any member of the Executive Board and shall be submitted to the membership either on order of the Executive Board or on a petition signed by any ten (10) members in good standing in the Association.
Amendments shall take effect immediately when approved, unless otherwise stated in the amendment.
Article VIII – Use of Association Name, Seal, Etc.
The name of the North Carolina Polygraph Association and the use or reproduction of its seal shall be limited to the letterheads of members in good standing only. Any other use must be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
Any member in good standing may indicate on letterhead in autobiographies, biographies, or in any oral pronouncement that he/she holds membership in the North Carolina Polygraph Association.
Article IX – Newsletter
The Association will publish a newsletter and email it to each member in good standing. The newsletter will be published after each meeting and will contain highlights of all business discussed at the meeting, information pertinent to the Association and its members, as well as the date, time and place of the next scheduled meeting. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation and distribution of the newsletter and any other publications as the President may direct.
Article X – Attorney
The President of the Association may appoint an Attorney to represent the Association with the approval of the Executive Board. The attorney's duties will include advising, preparing and rendering legal opinions on all legal matters pertaining to the Association and representing the Association as requested by the President.
Article XI – Parliamentary Guidelines
Robert's Rules of Order (Revised) shall provide parliamentary guidelines for the conducting of Association meetings. Robert's Rules shall be used by the Association as a guideline as deemed appropriate by the Executive Board, and/or as clarified by the Association's Bylaws.